These items are truly needed:
- Tents, sleeping bags and blankets
- Children’s, women’s and men’s clothing
- Shoes, Sandals
- Bras, Socks, Underwear
REMEMBER: Collect donations ranging new & used clothes, shoes, socks, underwear, blankets, jackets, toiletries, toys for the kids and any other item someone else can benefit from.

No one deserves to go hungry.
- Water, Soda, Juice
- Canned goods, boxed goods, non perishable items, snacks
- Dog & Cat food
REMEMBER: We help animals in need so dog and cat food, toys, bowls, leashes, collars and beds for both cats and dogs. Also, clothing as well.

Everything Helps
- Toys, Books, Dictionaries, Pens, Pencils, etc.
- Pads, Tampons, Toilet Paper, Laundry Soap
- Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Razors, Deodorant, Combs, etc.
- Blankets, Sheets, Towels, Pillows
- Dog & Cat food, blankets and toys

- Give clothing to those in need
- Pass out toiletries
- Hand out food
- Give comfort
Volunteering and giving back to your community is a rewarding experience, knowing that you’ve helped those in need, both people and animals alike. Teens also have the opportunity to help our organization on Fridays during our Teen Project activity. Volunteering with us is a fun and fulfilling way to become engaged in your community. We must always remember that there are those who are less fortunate and can use our help and compassion.
WHEN We meet every 4th Saturday of every month, unless a special holiday or event week.
WHERE WE MEET Mac Arthur Park by the corner of West 7th St. & South Park View St. in Los Angeles CA
WHAT WE DO ON THE EVENT DAY We get there by 8 am and start the set up, assembling canopies and tables, placing any donations we have on the tables. We serve and distribute the items around 9:30 a.m.. We are done serving at approximately 12:00 p.m.
WHO WE ARE We are a large group of family/volunteers ranging in age from as young as 8 yrs old to 80!
CONTACT Claudia Perez @ (323)812-9836
EMAIL info@laoncloud9.org
PLEASE NOTE: CA Health & Safety Codes 113969 – Persons preparing, serving, or handling food or utensils shall wear hair restraints, such as hats, hair coverings, or nets, which are designed and worn to effectively keep their hair from contacting non-prepackaged food, clean equipment, utensils. We will be providing hair nets on the date of the event. You are welcome to wear caps if you prefer.
DONATIONS If you cannot deliver donations directly to Mac Arthur Park on the date of the event, you may also drop off items during our Street Team Soldiers event. Visit our Volunteer page for more information.